I suspect there are a few people out there who read some blogs from time to time, who may be interested in the benefits of subscribing to an RSS feed.
You may have bookmarked this blog, and/or other blogs and webpages. But you have no idea when new content is posted. So every now and then you click your bookmarks to see what is new. Sometimes nothing is new, and you've wasted a click.
The beauty of using an RSS reader is you will automatically get a list of recent blog or news items listed in your feeds when they are posted.
I use Google reader http://www.google.com/reader/ , this is what it looks like. Notice the recent posts from the feeds I've subscribed to listed on the right. I can quickly scan through them and click on the ones that I want to read.

There are many other RSS readers available. Bloglines is another popular option. I believe Yahoo and Windows Live have similar options. I just can't help you much with them since I don't use them.

If you want to go a step further, you can also try igoogle. You can look for igoogle in the top right of the google search page. It gives you the option of adding a bunch of gadgets to a page, google reader and many more. I set igoogle as my browser default homepage, and I get my google reader feeds, BBC news, CBC news, Google News, weather, and bookmarks all in one view.

Anyways, I just thought I'd share that tech piece with you. If you have questions about this I'd be happy to help.
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