A great personal accomplishment. Nobody else has ever done this before, or will ever do it again. It was a one of a kind moment here.
I'd like to take a moment to thank all those people who made this accomplishment possible. My parents. My wife. My kids. Jesus. And thanks to all my fans out there.
I'll display this prize with honor. (The above graphic was emailed to me as my prize)
And to those others who can only hope of similar accomplishments.... keep dreaming, believe in yourself, anything is possible.
Congratulations! Everyone else, look forward to hitting the 1000 mark! I may just send that winner one of those 99 cent frozen pizzas!
Oh, I just took a look and you just made comment #450. Don't start begging for a prize though. I believe all comments are equal.
One person considers one comment more sacred than another; another considers every comment alike. Each of them should be fully convinced in their own mind.
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