Disclaimer: About This Blog

THIS BLOG IS: my personal journey of how I am rethinking some of my spiritual beliefs.
THIS BLOG IS NOT: intended to point fingers at people who I think are wrong.
I do not believe the final judgement will be based on how many correct answers we get on a theology exam. I believe many people throughout history have had genuine relationships with God, despite holding questionable beliefs and practices. I make no claim to having it all figured out or being your judge. If we end up disagreeing over these topics I pray we can find a way to demonstrate grace.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Thoughts on Membership

I mostly I agree with GotQuestions.org on this one.

The way we do church membership is not found in Scripture. The body of Christ is a universal body. The members of the body are all Christ followers... not just those who make a commitment to a local gathering.

I think the biggest downside of church membership is that of exclusion. Some people are 'in', and others are 'out'. And those that are 'in' may get confused and view those that are outside to be not part of Christ's body. The church that meets down the block or across the street has a different membership list, and may not be considered part of the same body.

Other than that... I've concluded that it is likely not a sin to submit to the desire of others on this one. If it's the way they think the church functions best, and it's what they require for us to be involved, it's likely not a sin to go along. I can't find a verse that says "Thou shalt not become a member of a local assembly."

At our Sunday morning event, and throughout the week, I value and respect the sincere love for God that I see in many people from Christ's Church. We all need each other to encourage each other, teach one another, love one another, submit to one another, share hospitality with one another, forgive one another, serve one another... (and the list goes on)... and I'll repeat love one another.

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