Disclaimer: About This Blog

THIS BLOG IS: my personal journey of how I am rethinking some of my spiritual beliefs.
THIS BLOG IS NOT: intended to point fingers at people who I think are wrong.
I do not believe the final judgement will be based on how many correct answers we get on a theology exam. I believe many people throughout history have had genuine relationships with God, despite holding questionable beliefs and practices. I make no claim to having it all figured out or being your judge. If we end up disagreeing over these topics I pray we can find a way to demonstrate grace.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Don't follow me

If you want, you can follow this blog by clicking the 'follow' button near the bottom of the left menu.

However please don't follow me.

One thing I'm almost certain of is that nobody has it all figured out. I'm pretty sure every great theologian, every denomination, and every influential speaker even gets it wrong quite frequently.

Or maybe I'm wrong and it's just me not being able to recognize which of the 1000's of voices is 100% true.

Well... actually I think I am starting to recognize that one voice that is 100% truth, but I'm not always listening, and not capable of understanding it all yet.

Anyways, of the earthly voices, I don't think any of them speak 100% truth.

And neither am I... I don't have it all figured out.

In summary:
  • "follow my blog" - Jon
  • "Please don't follow me, maybe nothing I say here is true (even this?) :)" - Jon
  • "Follow me" - Jesus

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